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Dissolving Duality

Reiki plays a significant role in diminishing the "separateness" our ego mind creates. The delusion of dissemblance causes a profound unease as we confront our cultural conditioning of being separate from our fellow human beings. It leaves us feeling isolated and incomplete, spiraling us into all sorts of unwanted mental and emotional states which affect our physical health. At the heart of this human conditioning of duality is the myth of the sole ego, intensifying our unhealthy sense of self-importance. Reiki directly connects us to Source bringing us into a profound state of lightness as we surrender to the comforting mystery and interconnectedness of the universe. In this space our spiritual essence becomes enhanced and we begin to feel a sense of completeness. Studies have shown uniting with other people and animals have a calming and restorative effect on us. This effect accentuates with the healing touch of a Reiki Practitioner. Reiki initializes a sense of unity, beginning at Source infiltrating through the practitioner into the recipient creating one beautiful circle of healing Universal Life Energy.

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