Energetically Upgrade with Reiki
As ever evolving conscious beings, the likelihood of, at times, getting stuck in an outgrown state of consciousness is a probable...

Distant Reiki Helps Newborns Adjust
The adjustment experience from two very different atmospheres, womb to earth, can be a bit jarring for some newborns. The cozy quiet and...

Reiki and Women's Hormones
Reiki effectively assists in regulating women's monthly hormonal cycles by bringing our bodies into the parasympathetic nervous system...

Amid the thousands of Reiki Treatments I've administered over the many years, one theme repeatedly surfaces within a person's healing...

The Spiritual Gifts of Reiki
The unexplainable blissful feelings felt during Reiki Treatment is typically its Spiritual aspect of healing. When the experience of...

Reiki Brings Strength Rooted in Love
Often in our lives and in others we notice inner strength sourced in anger, ego, fear, and other unhealthy emotions/states. When the...

Apartment Detox: Expert-Approved Tips to Energize and Cleanse Your Space
The above link is a Redfin blog post I contributed to. The post contains some wonderful expert tips on how to energetically detox your...

Reiki Removes the Mask
Often an unforeseen benefit of Reiki Energy Healing is the returning to our deepest inner essence, who we "truly" are which is an...

Letting Go
As the Autumn Season swiftly approaches, it asks us to let go of what is holding us back. Autumn, the great teacher of "relinquishing"...

The Message Within
What message does your dis-ease or condition hold for you? Reiki aids in revealing this essential information creating a healing...

Dissolving Duality
Reiki plays a significant role in diminishing the "separateness" our ego mind creates. The delusion of dissemblance causes a profound...

Reiki for your Medicine and Food
To infuse medicine and food with Reiki is to balance it out and align it with your individual system. The possibility of Reiki lessening...

More Refined as a Human
Within each of us contains a very special seed, this seed is called Enlightenment. Its desire to come into fruition is always present and ne

The Illusion of Control
The first two Spiritual Precepts of Reiki reflect this preposterous myth of having control. "Just for today, do not worry" and &qu

Connection with your Spiritual Self
Reiki is a Spiritual Practice. Whatever "Spiritual" means to you, whether it's contemplating the cosmos, finding God, being in nature or...