Energetically Upgrade with Reiki

As ever evolving conscious beings, the likelihood of, at times, getting stuck in an outgrown state of consciousness is a probable possibility. Our energy and energetic body is constantly moving and in flux changing and adapting to our life circumstances. If we create a more positive existence for ourselves our consciousness will be more elevated. If we are continually allowing ourselves to be stuck in a stagnant space, not quite able to cross that threshold to a more growth-focused reality, our consciousness too can become anchored in an uninspired existence.
Our Energetic Body has its very own and unique signature, just as every person has their individual fingerprints. Our Energy Body is comprised of vibrations or moving electric impulses. Our moods can be more enlivened, lifted and all the other various more elevated favorable emotional states when our consciousness is at a higher vibration. The times we feel stuck, unmotivated, constantly being confronted with the same lessons over and over again until we finally "get it" and not be able to break free to a more joyful and heart-centered existence is when we are in a lower frequency or vibration.
Establishing and maintaining a connection with the Universal Life Energy of Reiki introduces this highly elevated, sublimely healing and consciously awakened Source Energy into our systems prompting our energetic body to rise at a vibratory level. This Vibrational Healing or Energy Medicine, as it is sometimes called, is the core of Reiki. With this "Energetic Upgrade" we begin to live from a more heart-centered space, our intuition sharpens, inner disturbances start to subside, our body begins to heal and we become more self-actualized as a person.